This blog is the second in our two-part follow-up series to our June webinar, “Senior Living Marketing after Shelter at Home,” in which our panel provided insights for how communities can safely and effectively continue their census-building efforts amid COVID-19. To...
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Five Marketing Techniques That Senior Living Communities Are Using With Success During COVID-19
This blog is the first in our two-part follow-up series to our June webinar, “Senior Living Marketing after Shelter at Home,” in which our panel provided insights for how communities can safely and effectively continue their census-building efforts amid COVID-19. To...
Webinar: Senior Living Marketing after Shelter at Home
Presented By:Rob Love, President & CEO, Love & CompanyLisa Pearre, Principal, Chief Client Services Officer, Love & CompanyAmy Brodie, Client Services Director, Love & CompanyLaureen McGuire, Vice President, Sales Services, Love & Company As a...
3 Reasons Why Digital Communication Is Essential To Senior Living’s Success During COVID-19
Today more than ever, senior living organizations are turning to technology to enhance communications in their communities with all constituencies, whether residents, staff or family members. As part of our continuing effort to help provide community leadership with...
Unique Challenges of Dementia Care During the Coronavirus Crisis
“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.” – Mister Rogers We are all facing difficult challenges during this time of COVID-19, the...
Marketing Messaging During COVID-19: What You Need to Say to Your Senior Living Residents, Depositors & Prospects
This is the sixth blog in our special blog series focused on addressing the senior living marketing challenges presented by COVID-19. Links to the other blogs in the series are below: Blog 1: Preparing for Crisis Communications During a PandemicBlog 2: How To...
Evaluating Your Contractor’s COVID-19 Response Plan: A 75-Point Checklist
If you currently have construction underway, or are contemplating a construction start in the near future, it is critical that your contractor have a comprehensive and detailed COVID-19 response plan in place. A little more than a month ago most contractors, and...
Senior Living Marketing Messaging in Times of Uncertainty: How to Strike the Right Tone
This is the fifth blog in our special blog series focused on addressing the senior living marketing challenges presented by COVID-19. Links to the other blogs in the series are below: Blog 1: Preparing for Crisis Communications During a PandemicBlog 2: How To...
Social Connectivity Among Senior Adults Increases Through Technology During a Time of Crisis
In this time of trying to achieve “physical distancing” while minimizing true “social distancing,” communication technologies like Wellzesta are providing significant benefits to senior living communities and their residents. Wellzesta in particular has been...
Communicating with Prospects in the Day of COVID-19: Three Things to Do Right Now
Now more than ever, our seniors need to know that some certainties exist in their futures, and a move to your community could be one that brings them great peace. This is why it’s so important to not only maintain contact with your current prospects, but also create...
Coronavirus Initial Impact on Tax-Exempt Capital Markets
In this article, John Franklin of Pearl Creek Advisors provides an important overview of the bond and bank markets and how they are each affected by COVID-19. More importantly, John explains how the current market shifts may affect the short- and long-term financing...
Senior Living Marketing During COVID-19: Two Aggressively Affordable Tactics You Can Use Now
By Tim Bracken, Vice President We are proud to see the senior living field display such great hope and strength during these days of concern and worry. We see cooler heads prevail as one client after another chooses to resist panic and instead, thoughtfully redirect...