Rob Love, President & CEO, Love & Company
Ellen Stokes, Vice President of Marketing Innovation, Love & Company
Evan Brown, Media Director, Love & Company
Mike Guill, Digital Interactive and Content Marketing Director, Love & Company
Genie Heer, Senior Sales Advisor, Love & Company
A recent analysis of Love & Company clients’ sales metrics shows that, since 2018, the number of leads communities are getting from digital sources has tripled, and the number of sales from digital sources has doubled. Sales from digital lead sources now represent nearly 30% of all sales, more than double the proportion from direct mail (13%), and lagging only sales from referrals, PR outreach and drive-by (47%). In this increasingly digital marketplace, how can communities ensure they are implementing the most effective digital marketing programs?
In this webinar, we will explore key considerations in planning and implementing digital marketing programs that recognize and respond to key points in the customer journey, including:
- The best strategies and tactics for attracting qualified leads; i.e., inviting prospects to begin the journey
- Tools and tactics to convert marketing-qualified leads—those who are looking for initial information about a community—to sales-qualified leads—those who are ready to engage with a sales counselor
- Advancing the sale with digitally generated leads: How does the sales team need to evolve its approach to maximize conversions of leads to sales?
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