Life Plan Community—New name. New conversation.

By Marcia Lusk, Associate Creative Director, Sr. Copywriter

Senior Couple Enjoying Picnic TogetherAs the term Life Plan Community becomes the new normal in senior living nomenclature, it occurs to me: The language we use to tell each community’s unique and special story will need to evolve as well.


Creating an exciting and engaging conversation with today and tomorrow’s older adults around the advantages of vibrant Life Plan Community living gives writers an opportunity to expand our skills.

And what better way to understand the mind of our consumer than by being privy to the latest and most relevant market research in the industry? It’s especially important to stay ahead of the curve as our age and income-appropriate audience becomes younger in spirit, more active, hipper, and by no means “done.”

At Love & Company, deep dive research into the performance aspects of full-continuum senior living communities—and the decision-making processes of current and prospective residents—is at the core of all we do.

While many “creatives” shun data, facts, and figures, experience tells us that at the heart of solid target audience research is the “voice of the consumer.” What they desire, envision, insist upon and motivates them to take action–all come into play. Our research tells us what’s working, and what isn’t. And it illuminates the “whys” as well.

That said, we all have our strengths. Writing a community story that resonates emotionally, logically, and financially with a savvy goal-oriented senior audience is an art, even if we have the science to back it up.

One thing is for sure. Every community is its own place. And our consumer-facing conversation about each Life Plan Community must be special and unique. Ergo, I am a fan of writers being present for consumer-oriented discovery sessions at our clients’ communities. A brand wordsmith and storyteller may often find their best “research” tools are personal and intuitive:

  • Listening to descriptors and cadence as residents and prospects speak of their experiences and expectations, hopes and dreams;
  • Noting what makes respondents’ eyes sparkle with anticipation as we discuss the “feels like home” aspect of a community;
  • Hearing firsthand the passion around wellness, fitness, cultural interests, and social and dining opportunities;
  • Experiencing a broader sense of mission and purpose when one is privileged to walk raw land with a new community’s visionary leadership;
  • You get the word pictures.

As Life Plan Community living becomes a hotter topic among the up-and-coming generation of older adults, at Love & Company we will be working diligently—on all fronts—to be sure our clients’ vibrant communities are at the center of the conversation.

In 1964, Bob Dylan sang, “The times they are a-changin’.” Today he, and those to whom we speak, are in in their mid-70s. This might be a fairly good indication that the tone and manner of our language around “senior” living should be a-changin’ as well?

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In Memory of Rick Hunsicker

Remembering Rick Hunsicker: A dedicated friend, senior living expert, and loving family man. Join us in honoring his legacy and contributions.