5 Hispanic Respondents Most Likely to Move to Senior Living When asked about the likelihood of moving to a Life Plan Community, Hispanic respondents were significantly more likely to respond with “Definitely” or “Very Likely” than other groups. This may indicate there is support for increasing marketing efforts to Hispanic populations located in the same vicinity as the community. “Will I Fit in at a Life Plan Community?” When survey respondents were asked about their perceptions of Life Plan Communities, Caucasian respondents were most likely to Strongly Agree or Agree there were people similar to themselves in Life Plan Communities (44%). Hispanics were most likely to Strongly Agree or Agree they could both afford to live in a Life Plan Community (43%), and would feel welcome in a Life Plan Community (45%). Interestingly, Asians—who have among the highest median incomes for seniors—were less likely to Strongly Agree or Agree there were a lot of people like them in Life Plan Communities (30%), or that they would feel welcome in Life Plan Communities (32%). Only a small number (1%) of respondents identified as being LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transsexual) and were less likely to agree that they would feel welcome in a Life Plan Community (38% for LGBT versus 18% for non-LGBT respondents). Community Leadership Insights Pilgrim Place, Claremont, CA —Excerpts from an interview with Gisele Tackoor, Director of Recruitment and Admissions Pilgrim Place is a 103-year-old community, founded by Congregationalists as a retirement home for missionaries. Today, Pilgrim Place welcomes anyone age 60 or older who has served in a non-profit or religious organization (paid or unpaid) to join the community. The Pilgrim Place focuses on social activism and diversity. The mission is: Fostering a vibrant and inclusive senior community committed to justice and peace. Some residents are described as “movers and shakers…they were the ones rallying with Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King.” The average age of entry is quoted at “69 or 70,” younger than at most other Life Plan Communities. The community and its leadership and board are racially and socially diverse, as well as sexually diverse with more than 20 same-sex couples as residents. A unique aspect of how the community encourages inclusion is that a computer assigns seating for the lunch meal, thereby creating an environment where all residents have an opportunity to interact and know one another. Currently, the community is about evenly split between those who were attracted to the community by its spiritual mission, and those who were attracted for social reasons. In either case, Pilgrim Place seeks residents who value living in a diverse and inclusive community. Likelihood of Moving to a Life Plan Community Overall Caucasians Hispanics African Americans Asians Definitely or Very Likely 16% 14% 26% 10% 14% Somewhat Likely 34% 38% 27% 37% 35% Somewhat Unlikely 24% 24% 19% 26% 27% Very Unlikely or Definitely Not 26% 24% 27% 27% 24%